
Around the Pond with the Frog~Weeks Ending 1/5/14

Wowie, December was a busy month! Between holiday preparations and the holidays themselves and family - oh, so much family - I felt like I neglected my blog and social media. Add in sick children, a laptop malfunction, a big birthday, and readers who were just as busy as me and everyone else, and things have been pretty quiet around the 'ole pond.

But, I did write some things that I would love for you to read if you missed them:
I also wrote an original piece for The Huffington Post about Bringing Back the Joy in the Holidays.

And I had two posts on Mamalode, as well. I get paid per view there, so I would love if you would scoot on over to read They Gave Me Everything and One Hundred Percent. Pretty please and thank you.

I also hosted Anna from Random Handprints for a touching Grief Series story about her friendship with an elderly gentleman. It is so worth the read!

Wow, that's a lot!

Stay tuned, friends, as this month marks my three year Blogiversary!! I can hardly believe it. There will be some sharing of my most popular posts, some advice for blog readers and blog writers, a fresh, new blogging conference to share, and maybe a little giveaway.

Oh yeah, January! Happy 2014!!!

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