
Around the Pond with the Frog ~ Week Ending 5/12/13

It was kind of quiet around the homepond this week. Besides my awesome I Just Want to Pee Alone Giveaway (you can still enter here until Wednesday - go, I'll wait), I went visiting a couple other places.

I was at Her View From Home sharing lessons learned from the journey to motherhood.

I was on Huffington Post Parents talking about what I've learned about motherhood now that I've lost a child. You can find my past Huffington Post articles in my author archive.

I sent my mom this e-card for Mother's Day because, well, it's true:

Blogs that made me smile this week:

Stuff I loved on Facebook and Twitter:

One of my favorite bloggers, Robyn from Hollow Tree Ventures, has started a Facebook fan page for her sharply clever blog series, As the Dollhouse Turns. Go "like" it so you can know as soon as she makes another episode. Go - now! You'll thank me later.
I wrote a dorky poem for you, but then I saw that Bethany from Bad Parenting Moments did it so much better, so I'm going to direct you to hers.
XOXO Mommies! Hope you all get exactly what you want for Mother's Day!!
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