He's funny and he's sweet. When I cut myself down, he calls me on it. He might not understand all of my quirks - which are MANY - but he puts up with them. Which is all I really ask anyway.
Just this past weekend, I was kind of going on a little OCD rant about the way the babysitter folded the towels. He said, "Do you hear yourself right now?"
Okay, yes, yes, I may have been over-reacting just a tad.
Later, when we went out to dinner for his birthday and I refused the bread the waitress offered, he said, "Oh, because of your raging diabetes?" Which is of course a nod to the fact that I KNOW I have or will get diabetes because many of my relatives have it and I had gestational diabetes twice.
He never quite makes fun of me outright; it's more of a poking little jab to agree with whatever ridiculous statement I've made.
One thing he's always been supportive about is my writing. From when I started writing about Joey on Caring Bridge to now on the blog, he always has kind or constructive words to say. From telling me he enjoyed a post I wrote about one of the boys or admitting he had to stop reading one about Joey that choked him up or responding, "Of course they do," when I tell him Huffington Post wants to publish one of my latest blogs, I know he's proud I'm finding success at something that I like (even though he does make fun of my pet articles in Women's Edition).
So when I mentioned that "one of my blogger friends," Jen of People I Want to Punch in the Throat, was compiling an anthology of stories about husbands, he didn't really say I couldn't write about him. And when I did write something, he even smiled a few times while reading it.
But THEN, when I got the e-mail from Jen saying that she'd accepted my essay into her new book (squeeee!) and that I was officially a "Super Cool Lady Writer," he didn't make fun of me AT ALL!
See, I get to make fun of HIM a little in this book.
Many of you will remember the first installment of this series, I Just Want to Be Alone. It is super funny and written by some "kick-ass lady bloggers."
This second installment is called I Just Want to Be Alone, and here is what it's about:
"Don't get us wrong, we love the men in our lives – we do (most of the time). It's just that sometimes we would like them to go away. Not forever or anything like that. Just for an hour … or a day … or a weekend. We want some time to ourselves to read a good book or take a walk or do anything other than try to make a dent in the never ending mound of dirty clothes that keeps piling up on the floor on his side of the bed. We just want to be alone. All alone. Is that too much to ask?
I Just Want to Be Alone is a collection of humorous essays from 37 of the most Super Cool Lady Writers you'll find on the web. Including: People I Want to Punch in the Throat, Baby Sideburns, A.K. Turner, My Husband Ate All My Ice Cream, and Bad Parenting Moments.
Read hilarious essays like:
Open Letter To My Son (Or: Your Mother’s Top 10 List of Ways Not to Be a Douchebag Husband)
Exploding With Love, Literally
Romance is Overrated
Life With the Thin Guy
Dear Magnolia, Should I Marry This Man?"
I am so excited to be a part of my second anthology, and one that includes amazing bloggers like these:
That is far too much awesomeness for one book!! But that's not even the best part. The best part is that, although its official release is not until March 22, you can pre-order I Just Want to Be Alone TODAY to ensure that you get your copy right away! Just click on that little link or the Amazon link at the top of the page.
This is going to be so fun - because, hey, we all love our men. And what better way to show our love than poking a little fun at them?
Order your copy - today. And while you're waiting, have you read the first book yet? On the off chance you haven't, order your copy of I Just Want to Pee Alone
and get in the mood for more hilariousness come March 22nd.
I can't wait!
Oh, and for the record, Hubby, that's Ms. Super Cool Lady Writer to you!
This is going to be so fun - because, hey, we all love our men. And what better way to show our love than poking a little fun at them?
Order your copy - today. And while you're waiting, have you read the first book yet? On the off chance you haven't, order your copy of I Just Want to Pee Alone
I can't wait!
Oh, and for the record, Hubby, that's Ms. Super Cool Lady Writer to you!